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NoStench® Kitchen Sponge - Discontinued Color
The Problem: Standard kitchen sponges begin to smell foul within a few days use. That awful smell comes from the 10 million bacteria per square inch found in the typical sponge, making the kitchen sponge the dirtiest thing in the typical home. And you use that filthy sponge to “clean” things in your kitchen then throw it away because you can’t stand the smell. That’s gross!
The Everest™ Solution: The NoStench® Sponge is GUARANTEED not to stink for 90 days! NoStench® technology prevents odor causing bacteria from living on / in the sponge for 90 days without using poisons! No more stench – no more spreading of those nasty germs. The non-toxic protection resides throughout the entire sponge material - it doesn’t wash out and doesn’t fade. This is the perfect kitchen sponge!
Each NoStench® Sponge is unconditionally guaranteed against stench caused from bacterial growth for a full 90 days from the date of purchase. If at any time during the 90 day period the NoStench® Sponge stinks, it can be returned for a full refund.
(Note: it is necessary to adequately rinse the sponge after each use. Food particles left on sponge can support bacteria growth that may cause odor, but the sponge materials themselves are protected from bacterial growth)
Ultra High Quality: NoStench® Sponges are made with the highest quality materials and construction for the height of effectiveness and durability. Simply the best kitchen sponge available. Each sponge is 5.625 inches x 3.875 inches of fantastic cleaning and NoStench wonderment!
Detailed Science: The amazing NoStench® Sponge is factory treated with the same revolutionary long lasting Everest™ antimicrobial that uses a physical kill of microbes NOT poisons. The factory treatment forms a nano-scale biostatic layer throughout the sponge materials. This protection is invisible and can’t be felt. It consists of millions of carbon-based nano-spikes that self-assemble in layers (see Fig 1) and bond covalently and intertwine with the sponge structure. Each nano-spike is made up of a carbon shaft with a nitrogen molecule at it’s base. The positively charged nitrogen interacts with the negatively charged germs/mold/mildew/fungus like a magnet that draws it down onto the carbon spike. The result is a physically ruptured or “stabbed” odor causing bacteria that can’t survive – or adapt to become resistant. Bacteria cannot get established within the NoStench® Sponge. That is how it remains free of the foul odors germs cause! The nano-spikes are very durable and will remain viable and safely protect the sponge from bacterial contamination for at least 90 days – no matter how many times it is used or washed.
Fig 1. Self-assembled layers of the active ingredient attaches to all available bonding sites, leaving a ‘forest’ of molecules that extend from the surfaces and intertwine throughout all voids, preventing adhesion of microbes at interface, and causing a physical disruption of membrane function which causes bacterial cell death.
A recent study by an independent research lab confirmed that our treated sponges were able to kill 99.9% of 22,000,000 colony forming units (cfu) of live e.coli bacteria in 1 hour. By the 4 hour mark, our sponge had killed 99.99999% of the e.coli. And this protection lasts day after day, use after use.
* This treated item does not impart pesticide or antimicrobial properties to other surfaces.
HOW TO USE: The NoStench® Sponge is very simple to use. Use in the same fashion that you would use a traditional kitchen sponge. Use it to clean kitchen / bathroom surfaces or dirty dishes. The only requirement is that it be RINSED very well after each use. Then simply set it aside to let it dry. It will be ready to provide stench free service whenever you need it! Sponges can be washed in dishwasher or laundry without losing their antimicrobial properties.
NOTE: if food debris / dirt is not completely rinsed from the sponge, then bacteria could possibly survive ON the debris and cause odor - all that is needed to return your sponge to it’s odor-free state is to completely rinse it out and let it dry.